Seismic response distribution expressions for on-ground rigid rocking blocks under ordinary ground motions
Kazantzi A.K., Lachanas C.G., Vamvatsikos D. (2021). Seismic response distribution expressions for on-ground rigid rocking blocks under ordinary ground motions. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 50(12):3311-3331.
Abstract | Predictive relationships are offered for the response of on-ground 2D rigid blocks undergoing rocking. Among others, this is pertinent to (1) modern or classical antiquity structures that utilize rocking as a seismic protection mechanism and (2) freestanding contents (e.g., cabinets, bookcases, and museum artifacts) located on the ground or lower floors of stiff buildings. Blocks of varying dimensions were subjected to a full range assessment of seismic response under increasing intensity levels of ordinary (no-pulse and no-long-duration) ground motions, parameterized by peak ground acceleration or velocity. Both response and intensity were normalized, allowing the fitting of general-purpose parametric expressions to determine the mean and dispersion of response for an arbitrary block of interest. These can be utilized in the same way as conventional strength-ratio/ductility/period relationships of yielding oscillators, to enable the rapid assessment or design of simple rocking systems.